

my name is

Stevan Vlajic

stevan vlajic


Hello, I'm Stevan, a 17 year old student currently attending HTBLA Leonding in Austria. I am studying media technology and have a growing interest in coding. I'm excited to share my journey and showcase my skills in this portfolio.

My interests

I'm currently learing NextJS and Tailwind-CSS because I love to stay up to date and keep track of new technologies. Steve Jobs once said: "The only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven't found it yet, keep looking. Don't settle." This quote represents perfectly my interests and my current mindset.

Last words

This portfolio is currently under creation and is fully created in NextJS and Tailwind, so there might be some bugs in it. But all in all I think I've done a pretty good job creating it. So feel free to explore the portfolio. Cheers, Stevan

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Contact Information

  • Business-Email:
  • Personal Email:
  • Instagram: stevan06v